Animal Farm, An Allegorical Satire…

Hello! Today I’ll write about Animal Farm written by George Orwell. My theme is ‘The Rulers’.

Animal Farm is an allegorical satire, which represents Russia’s political situation of a certain timeline, namely October Revolution of 1917 and the situation afterwards.

The story starts by portraying the farmer’s neglect towards the animals. The character Old Major dreams of overthrowing the farmer Mr. Jones and establishing an animal kingdom where all animals are equal, which reflects Lenin’s ideals. Vladimir Ilyich Lenin, a Russian politician, is considered the origin communism leader. In the story Old Major died representing Lenin’s death.

In the story, the animal’s revolted with Snowball as their leader. Snowball is closely related to Leon Trotsky, who was the leader of Russia’s October Revolution. Both led an army during Battle of Cowshed and Russian Civil War. Also Snowball and Trotsky are similar as both them had a plan for their farm and country. Trotsky proposed the 5 years plan and Snowball proposed the plan to build a windmill. Snowball and Trotsky both were thrown out of their farm and country by Napoleon and Stalin.

The character, Napoleon represents Joseph Stalin, who became the dictator of Soviet Union by the late 1920s. Both were dictators killing those who opposed them. In the novel, Napoleon killed the chickens because they didn’t want to give their eggs anymore. This symbolizes Stalin’s deed of killing the farmers who wouldn’t give up their farms.

The character Squealer, a silver-tongued pig, who abuses language to justify Napoleon’s actions and policies to the other animals represents how politicians manipulate language in an age of mass media.

We see that George Orwell presented his opinion about Russian politics and society during a historical timeline of which he was a witness. He depicted the events, society and historical and political figures in the form of a beast fable.